Organization, Function and Duties
The particulars of its Organization, functions and duties;
Registered under the Companies Act, 1956, HPSIDC Limited is fully owned by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh with an authorised capital of Rs.50.00 crores and paid up capital of Rs.30.82 crores. It is the major State Level Financial Institution and provides long term loans for industrial projects.
Functions & Duties:
- Providing term loan assistance upto Rs.500.00 lacs to industrial ventures.
- Undertaking sale of sick “taken over” industrial units on attractive terms.
- Providing guidance/information regarding policies & procedures of Government on setting up of industries.
- Providing “Escort services” of varied nature to entrepreneurs for such matters as securing registrations/clearances etc. from statutory authorities.
- Developing industrial infrastructure and undertaking all kinds of civil/ construction works.
- Marketing of Bitumen & Steel.
- Public Information Officer
- Orgnization, Function and Duties
- Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
- Decision Making Process
- Norms for Discharge of Functions
- Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
- Recipients of Concessions, Permits
- Information Reduced in Electronic Form
- Facilities to Citizens for Obtaining Information
- Rules & Regulations